Saturday, August 2, 2014

Software : Flappy Bird is back with multiplayer mode, exclusively on Amazon

Software : Flappy Bird is back with multiplayer mode, exclusively on Amazon

Flappy Bird is back with multiplayer mode, exclusively on Amazon


Flappy Bird is back with multiplayer mode, exclusively on Amazon

Flappy Bird, the hit mobile game which caused a bit of a storm when the developer withdrew it at the peak of its success for being too addictive, is back, but right now appears to be an Amazon exclusive.

The new Flappy Birds Family game has arrived on the Amazon App Store for Android, promising compatibility with the Amazon Fire TV box, remote and dedicated controller.

This time you can get your mates involved as there's a versus mode to enjoy, while floating ghosts will also obstruct your progress as well as those Mario-esque pipes.

More put-down-able

Developer Dong Nguyen also promises this version will be a little less addictive than the original.

Nguyen, who had sleepless nights over how much time people were spending playing the game, has pledged to offer players satisfaction after a few turns rather than hours of gameplay.

There's no news yet on whether the game will be available for iOS or Android devices.

Google Now Launcher becomes available on all Android Jelly Bean devices


Google Now Launcher becomes available on all Android Jelly Bean devices

The Google Now Launcher is now available on the vast majority of Android devices, thanks to a new roll out this weekend.

The tool, which allows users to view upcoming appointments, weather, traffic conditions, public transport, sports scores and more, can now be downloaded for all devices running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and up.

Previously the launcher, which arrived as a standalone app in February, had only been available for the Nexus and Google Play Edition family of devices.

The arrival of the app for all Jelly Bean devices means users can get the Google Now launcher directly on their homescreens and say "Ok Google" to launch voice searches.

Swipe right

Once installed, Google Now cards can be accessed by swiping right on the home screen.

The launch also offers one tap searches, access to Google apps like Maps, YouTube, Mail and more.

Beats Music chief may now be on the hook for making iTunes Radio a success


Beats Music chief may now be on the hook for making iTunes Radio a success

Both Beats Music and iTunes Radio have reportedly struggled to attract the anticipated listenership since arriving on the stream scene and now it appears their fortunes will rest on the shoulders of one man.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Ian Rogers, the head of Beats Music will also take the reins at iTunes Radio following the completion of the $3 billion Apple-Beats takeover on Friday.

Rogers, who will join Apple alongside co-founders Dr Dre. and Jimmy Iovine, will "run both teams to create cohesion in Apple's streaming-music options," according to WSJ sources.

It remains unclear whether the services will be united under one banner in order create a free, ad-funced random radio and a paid for pick-your-own streaming service combo to rival the likes of Spotify.

Job losses

The acquisition isn't all good news for Beats, with some 200 jobs going as a result of the take over.

Apple has said it'll try to find new roles for those affected.

Blip: Yo is not happy with Yolo, Yo Hodor and other copycat apps


Blip: Yo is not happy with Yolo, Yo Hodor and other copycat apps

The app market can be a vicious place, filled with ruthless and unscrupulous developers willing to do anything to make a quick buck - even if it means ripping other developers off wholesale.

Thus it's no surprise that popular messaging app Yo has allegedly been copied by several apps, many of which have even better names: Yolo, Oi, YoFrom, and even Yo, Hodor!.

"As the pioneer of a concept, Yo has spawned many clones, though most of the clones offer something slightly different, some of them are a complete replication of the Yo app," Yo creator Or Arbel, who's complained officially about this glut of imitators, told TechCrunch.

"Even the App Store description was copied word by word," he continued. "We value creativity and we are in a free market. Improving upon our concept is welcomed, copying us bit-by-bit isn't."

Apple is sending notices to Yo's accused copycats, and some have already been taken down - including, regrettably, the Game of Thrones-themed parody Yo, Hodor!.

More blips

Yo! Check out more of TechRadar's blips!

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